International Day for Tolerance 2022: History, Significance, Celebrations and Theme

International Day for Tolerance is observed on 16th November, this day promotes tolerance and makes people aware about dangers of intolerance!

International Day for Tolerance is annually observed on 16th November. This day promotes tolerance across the world and also makes people aware about the dangers of intolerance. 

Our world is full of diversity with different races, languages, cultures, races, religions, genders, etc. And the only way in which we as humans can co-exist together peacefully is by having a respect and toleration for each other.  

Throughout the history of mankind we have learnt that intolerance had only caused pain, suffering and bloodshed all over the world among the human beings so the only solution to this issue in a humane way is by accepting each other as being different and that is what tolerance is all about! 

Event International Day for Tolerance
Date November 16, 2022
Day Wednesday
Significance The day day promotes tolerance across the world
Observed by World wide

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International Day for Tolerance History: 

Throughout the history of mankind we can see that intolerance had only caused destruction, conflicts, wars, bloodshed, genocides, persecution in our world and had destroyed large number of lives in our world. So it is now clearly understood that intolerance is very bad for the peace, stability and development of our world and must be eradicated from our world for a better present and future. An overview of the history of toleration and different cultures in which toleration has been practiced, and the ways in which such a paradoxical concept has developed into a guiding one, illuminates its contemporary use as political, social, religious, and ethnic, applying to LGBT individuals and other minorities, and other connected concepts such as human rights.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), adopted by the National Constituent Assembly during the French Revolution, states in Article 10: "No-one shall be interfered with for his opinions, even religious ones, provided that their practice does not disturb public order as established by the law." In his 1882 essay "What is a Nation?", French historian and philosopher Ernest Renan proposed a definition of nationhood based on "a spiritual principle" involving shared memories, rather than a common religious, racial or linguistic heritage. Thus members of any religious group could participate fully in the life of the nation. "You can be French, English, German, yet Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or practicing no religion."


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After suffering the devasting impacts following both the world wars, the United Nations was created to maintain peace, stability and prevent any other world war from ever happening. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." Even though not formally legally binding, the Declaration has been adopted in or influenced many national constitutions since 1948. 

International Day for Tolerance was started by the UN General Assembly, with the goal of getting educational institutions and the general public to see tolerance as a staple of society. And it came after the United Nations declared a Year for Tolerance in 1995. Then in the same year, UNESCO created the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance as a way to define and provide awareness of tolerance for any and all governing and participating bodies. That day in 1995 was November 16. Now, as an anniversary of that Declaration, we celebrate the International Day for Tolerance every November 16 to help spread tolerance and raise awareness of any intolerance that may still be prevalent in the world today. 


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International Day for Tolerance Significance: 

Tolerance is one such quality that is considered the bedrock of society. Due to globalisation, people of different backgrounds, cultures, and faith live together. Therefore, establishing tolerance and harmony is an important factor. Tolerance generates a society in which people feel valued and respected. Every person has their own room with their own ideas, beliefs, thoughts, and dreams. No doubt for a healthy and liveable society, tolerance is an essential aspect. One should respect other cultures, castes, colours or creeds. On the other hand, we can't ignore the fact that tolerance does not mean that only one person or party shows patience and acceptance for others, whereas the others do not. Therefore, tolerance should be shown on both sides. 

Today, people are more connected but this does not mean there is more understanding. Societies are ever more diverse but intolerance is growing in many places.  Sectarian tensions can be found at the heart of many conflicts, with the rise of violent extremism, massive human rights violations, and cultural cleansing. And the biggest crisis of forced displacement since the Second World War has spawned hatred and xenophobia against refugees and others. Tolerance is much more than passively accepting the other.  It brings obligations to act, and must be taught, nurtured and defended. Tolerance requires investment by States in people, and in the fulfilment of their full potential through education, inclusion and opportunities. 


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Each Government is responsible for enforcing human rights laws, for banning and punishing hate crimes and discrimination against minorities, whether these are committed by State officials, private organizations or individuals. Laws are necessary but not sufficient for countering intolerance in individual attitudes. Intolerance is very often rooted in ignorance and fear: fear of the unknown, of the other, other cultures, nations, religions. Intolerance is also closely linked to an exaggerated sense of self-worth and pride, whether personal, national or religious. These notions are taught and learned at an early age. Therefore, greater emphasis needs to be placed on educating more and better. 

Intolerance is most dangerous when it is exploited to fulfill the political and territorial ambitions of an individual or groups of individuals. Hatemongers often begin by identifying the public's tolerance threshold. They then develop fallacious arguments, lie with statistics and manipulate public opinion with misinformation and prejudice. That's why it is very important to counter these misinformations for tackling intolerance. Counting intolerance is very important for peace, stability and development of our world and that's why it must be ensured to keep our world safe. 


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International Day for Tolerance Celebrations: 

International Tolerance Day produces awareness about the harmful effects of intolerance and discrimination in society. Tolerance Day celebrations and activities involve the acts of abolishing hate and enmities in societies. At an individual level, these acts can be treated by training sessions at multiple levels and by the usage of electronic, print and social media. 

Debates and speeches for the evaluation of tolerance and abolition of oppression and injustice are a part of tolerance day. Human rights organizations and activists catch this day as a golden opportunity for the fulfilment of laws regarding basic human rights such as injustice, minorities, discrimination and hate crimes. 

On this special day, you can more learn about the people around you and can pay attention to listening and solving their problems this will make you more tolerable. You cam also use this opportunity to learn more about others culture and beliefs as this is a nice way to see things through others perspective as well which as a result increase tolerance and also make sure to spread awareness of this day as well. 


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International Day for Tolerance Theme: 

"Tolerance is respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human." It is the general theme of International Tolerance Day. 

Most Searched FAQs on International Day for Tolerance: 

1. When is International Day for Tolerance observed? 

International Day for Tolerance is annually observed on 16th November. 

2. Why is the International Day for Tolerance important? 

Because it helps spread awareness of intolerance and educates how to be more tolerant. A few things the world could really use more of right now. 

3. How do you celebrate International Day for Tolerance? 

By learning more about tolerance and intolerance and celebrating the differences between cultures. Start a conversation with someone with a differing viewpoint, you will likely find you have more in common than you expected. 

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