World Spine Day 2022: Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Slogans

World Spine Day is annually observed on 16th October, this day aims to raise awareness about the seriousness of backpain and health of our spine

World Spine Day is annually observed on 16th October. This day aims to raise awareness regarding the issue of seriousness of backpain and about the need to manage the health our spine. 

Back pain is one of the most common issue which our world is dealing with and it's an very important health issue as well which can't be neglected as ignoring it cam cause very serious problems in the future regarding our health so this day aims to educate and aware people about it. 

We bring you the most amazing goolevtion of greetings which you can use to make people aware about this very important occasion of World Spine Day. So here you are gonna see some of the best wishes, messages, quotes and slogans for the day. 

Event World Spine Day
Date October 16, 2022
Day Sunday
Significance The day is observed in order to educate people about the importance of spine health.
Observed by World wide

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World Spine Day 2022 Wishes and Messages: 

1. Backpain is one of the most common health issue of our world and that's why it is very important for us to always take care of our spine to avoid it. Wishing you a very Happy World Spine Day! 

2. Warm greetings to everyone on the occasion of World Spine Day! Back pain is a common cause for disability and we need to take good care of our back to remain healthy and happy. Happy World Spine Day! 

3. It is an urgent need now to educate people about the importance of spine and the spine health so they can be aware to take proper care of it so that they can live a happy and pain free life ahead. Wishes to you on World Spine Day! 

4. We cannot take our spine health casually now or else we will have to pay a big price for it in the future. So this is the time to action regarding it before it's too late. Happy World Spine Day! 

5. When our spine is strong, we know that one of the most important bones of our body is in good condition and chances for back pain are very low. Happy World Spine Day! 

6. Wishing a very Happy World Spine Day. A back that hurts and a neck that pains is not something we are ever up for. Let us take care of our spine now so that we can always remain safe from its dangers. Happy World Spine Day! 

7. The health of our spine is in our hands and we must do all that we can to keep it in good health as spine is one of the most important thing in our body and it is our responsibility to always treat it nicely. Happy World Spine Day! 

World Spine Day 2022 Quotes: 

1. "Night after night I could feel the chills that goes up and down my spine, they played so well. I could never forget this unique and slightly frightening experience." 

2. "The spine is the lifeline. A lot of people should go to a chiropractor but they don't know about its importance which is very unfortunate and needs to be changed." 

3. "You only really discover the strength of your spine when your back is against the wall. Hence you should always pay attention to the proper functioning of your spine." 

4. "Spine is one of the best factor to determine your age not by numbers as if your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, then you are old. But if it is completely flexible at 60, then you are young." 

5. "The spine is like the tree of life as it supports the life by giving a protection to our body and that's why a healthy spine is always so essential like a healthy tree for the survival of us." 

6. "When your mind is fully withdrawn in superconsciousness, it becomes centered in the bliss of the spine. You are then in your ideational, or causal, body. That is the level of the soul." 

7. "Total relaxation is the secret to enjoying sitting meditation. I sit with my spine upright, but not rigid; and I relax all the muscles in my body." 

World Spine Day 2022 Slogans: 

1. Never ignore you spine and its health. 

2. A back that hurts is the back that needs attention. 

3. Every day spine exercise is the key for getting healthy spine. 

4. Back pain is common only because we don't take care of our spine. 

5. A bad spine can take so much away from your life. 

6. Always keep your spine strong for a healthy life. 

7. With age, we need to take care of our spine. 

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