Which type of parenting is the most successful? and how can you achieve it?

The article is all about parenting, and it discusses the art of parenting as well as the impact that good parenting can have.

Parenting is an art that no one seems to have mastered. Every kid has something to complain about their parents. And, of course, it makes sense. From Freudian theories to the latest discoveries, all suggest that parenting plays a pivotal role in deciding a child's behaviour and mental health. As we grow, we keep complaining about our parents, and Yet, when we become parents, we, in one way or the other, make similar mistakes in raising our children. It is because we are taught to be good students, teachers, and even good citizens but not good parents. So, we follow our own style of parenting.

What kind of a parent are you?

Every parent would want to bring up their child as a mentally strong, well-rounded, and successful individual. And to achieve it, we try out different methods. How we treat our children plays a significant role in what they become.

Here comes the most crucial question. What are you in your children's eyes?

Everyone has their version of parenting. And what kind of a parent are you? The strict one, The I don't care one, or the one that is progressive and supportive? Each type will have different effects on the children's behaviour and their character while growing up. So, first, let us understand parenting styles.

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Four Types of Parenting

Depending on the parenting traits, Psychologists define it in four ways.

  1. Authoritarian: It is the most commonly known or experienced type of parenting. It is the stern type of parenting that many have traditionally experienced through their parents. Parents take ultimate control over their kids and enforce strict rules with very little consideration for the kid's feelings or emotions. And in turn, kids are expected to fall in line, no matter what. Communication is often one way, From the parent to the child.
  2. Authoritative: An authoritative parent strikes a balance between being strict and flexible. The best thing about this sort of parent is that they listen to their kids and acknowledge their emotions simultaneously. However, simultaneously, they set clear rules and set their expectations. They may be strict about the study time yet allow the children to play once they complete their tasks. These are the nurturing, supportive, and often understood children's needs type of parents.
  3. Permissive: Have you ever heard anyone say, "My parents are my friends"? Yes, they play the permissive type. Parents being friends might be a little surprising, but they do exist. These people put their children above them and let them decide for themselves. They are highly responsive and rarely demanding. Keeping the kids happy is their priority. They may go any length and breadth to keep them happy.
  4. Uninvolved/Neglectful: This type of parent takes no responsibility for their kids and lets them fend for themselves. They often pay little attention to their kids and rarely offer guidance. Cold and uncaring are some of their most known traits.

Now, having had a glimpse of each parenting style, You might wonder which one is the best to practice. However, the hard truth is nothing is perfect. Then what could be?


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"There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one." – Sue Atkins.

Rather than looking for an example of good parenting, You learn, unlearn and improve your parenting skills. Let us see how?

First, every parent must understand that parenting is about mutual respect between a parent and a child. ⁣Not just parents and children, any relationship cannot sustain or thrive without mutual respect.

Well, having to adapt between conventional parenting techniques could be confusing. For everyone's understanding, today's parents can be defined as immature and mature. What are the signs that tell a parent is mature or immature?

Signs of emotionally immature parents:

  1. They become defensive when children disagree with them.
  2. They are dismissive of the kid's emotions and feelings.
  3. Always blaming the kids.
  4. They can be emotionally insensitive.
  5. Have difficulty apologizing to kids when they're wrong.
  6. Have little tolerance for stress.

Many of us starting to be parents can be emotionally immature. We might think of it as a form of power and play between our children and us. We might as well take our children for granted and take the liberty of expressing our rights over them, expecting them to act accordingly. But it can negatively impact the children's mental health and put them through tough times.

How to become emotionally mature parents?

If you find yourself emotionally immature and think you need to work on it, the best way to do that is to meet a therapist.

Numerous therapists across the globe, including the mental health experts in ThreeBestRated®, suggest that emotionally mature parents can help children become the best version of themselves. So what are the qualities of a mature parent?

  1. They allow their children to have their own wants and desires.
  2. Loves their children unconditionally.
  3. Sees mistakes and failures as an integral part of life.
  4. Doesn't take it personally when their child disagrees with them.
  5. Have their own individual life outside of that of their children.
  6. Understands that children have their paths.
  7. Guides and educates their children.

At the end of the day, you choose to be the progressive or the regressive parent that the kids praise or criticize.

This year's world mental health day theme is "Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority." As parents, let us ensure that our children have excellent mental health and well-being. They deserve it, and it is our responsibility to do so. Let us help them to develop into the best people they can be.

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