World Environmental Health Day 2022: History, Significance and Theme

The World Environmental Health Day is observed annually on 26th September with an aim to raise awareness regarding the protection of environment

The World Environmental Health Day is observed annually on 26th September with an aim to increase awareness and encourage people towards keeping our environment protected. 

We all know that how our world today is suffering from natural calamities today and the most of the reason behind it is caused by human activities only over the time. Global warming is a major concern regarding future of our world. 

But despite knowing all these things we are not learning anything from our actions and are continuing causing damages to our world for which we may face very serious consequences if still not taken seriously. 

Event World Environmental Health
Date September 26, 2022
Day Monday
Significance Increases public awareness of environmental conservation and protection
Observed by World wide


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World Environmental Health Day History: 

Well human beings are causing a damage to our nature and environment since the dawn of the human civilization only but the most damage to our environment was caused during the times of industrial revolution in our modern history only. Well it is known fact that industrial revolution was very important for human civilization to go forward and many of our basic necessities today wouldn't be positive without it today. 

But the problem arises when we already knew about the wrongful impacts caused by industries and pollution to our environment from a very long but still our authorities and people also didn't try to find any solution for a long time and were not even willing to do hard work for it and because of this recklessness shown by people in the past are causing serious consequences to our world today and is gonna even increase much more in our future. 

But today in the modern world we have found many alternative ways to lessen the impact of climate change and pollution. The only thing we need today is proper implementation as all the hope are still not lost, well it is true that we have caused enough damage to our environment to trouble us for many years now but still we can lessen its impacts in our future by taking actions regarding it today. 

The World Environmental Health Day was established on 26th September, 2011 and since then it has been celebrated every year. The day was established by the International Federation of Environmental Health(IFEH), a body of 44 member states with an aim to raise awareness regarding the health of our environment. The IFHE was founded in 1986 at London and its aim was to focus on scientific and technical research on environmental health and exchange of ideas on the same. 

World Environmental Health Day Significance: 

It is the high time that suitable initiatives must be taken on an urgent basis. As we all have been facing pandemic for the last two years, it has highlighted the significance of safe, clean and sustainable environment like never before. Now, it is alarming for all of us to take care of the mother earth and its resources. The global warming is a a very big threat giving us challenges to secure a healthy life and nature's protection. 

An healthy environment is required for a healthy you. We can see that problem by analyzing the number of people who are annually dying because of air pollution  as it has become one of the leading cause of death worldwide in recent years and diseases like asthma are getting more prevalent by each passing year. We talked about air pollution but because of water pollution too we see large number of people dying every year from a plethora of diseases like typhoid, diarrhea and dengue. So destroying our environment is also causing human beings to suffer from various diseases. 

If we continue like this then the day is not that far away when we will regret about our decisions in past. Obviously major steps regarding controlling pollution and industrial waste has to be taken by the government and authorities but we people individually can also contribute a lot towards this movement by realizing our sense of responsibility and doing actions in the benefit of our environment only like ny not littering at places, avoiding plastic or other related items uses which causes damage to our ecosystem, stopping the overexploitation of our resources, etc. 

The World Environmental Health Day inspires us to do something about it and improve the environment we can not live without and take appropriate steps and protect the environment without which the life on the earth is impossible at all. It itches people to protest to their authorities over actions on climate changeof they are not performing accordingly as another delay in this cause can be devastating. 


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World Environmental Health Day Theme: 

The theme for World Environmental Health Day 2022 set by the IFEH is "Strengthening Environmental Health Systems for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals." 

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity now and in the future.

 The 17 SDGs are integrated - they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability, all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

The mission statement of the United Nations on SDGs is as follows: “A blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030.” 

Environmental Health plays a pivotal role in the implementation of these SDGs. It is interesting to note that Environmental Health fits into 7 SDGs, 19 targets and 30 indicators of the SDGs.

Most Searched FAQs on World Environmental Health Day: 

1. When is World Environmental Health Day observed? 

World Environmental Health Day is annually observed on 26th September. 

2. When was World Environmental Health Day established? 

World Environmental Health Day was established in 2011 by IFEH. 

3. Why is there a snake on medical symbol? 

The answer lies in the snakes characters of, skin shedding representing immortal life, sudden change in activity emphasizing transit from sickness to cure. 

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