National Doodle Day 2022: History, Significance and Facts

Discover the significance of National Doodle Day, as well as its history, facts, and ways to participate in the National Event.

Have you ever scribbled on the back of your note book to pass the time while sitting in a boring room or in an uninteresting class? Then you already know what doodles are. In a simple word, doodles are drawings made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. However, every year on September 3rd, we commemorate National Doodle Day. The event includes the participation of various persons from various professions who create various doodle designs for auction, with the proceeds benefiting patients with epilepsy. Let's talk about the day and how doodling might help you with your mental health.

Event National Doodle Day
Date September 3, 2022
Day Saturday
Significance Supports persons suffering from epilepsy while encouraging the activity of doodling
Observed by United States


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National Doodle Day 2022: History 

The art of doodling can be said to have originated in the early ages when humans used to draw out their feelings and emotions on rocks or on the ceiling, but we cannot consider them doodles because the art of the medieval periode is regarded as sacred items and significant components of their cultural heritage. 

However, the term "doodle" first emerged in the early 17th century and originally meant "fool" or "simpleton"; when the 1936 film Mr. Deeds Goes to Town was produced, this definition was changed to "drawing or scrible which the person draws an art in the absence of mind." 

The term "doodle" quickly gained acceptance and came to be used to describe a drawing that individuals frequently produce to pass the time when they are bored. 

The British nonprofit organization Epilepsy Action created the National Doodle Day celebration in 2004 with the intention of helping those who suffer from epilepsy. The project has demonstrated its effectiveness by helping more than 600,000 people with epilepsy to date.

National Doodle Day 2022: Significance 

The observation of National Doodle Day is crucial for increasing support for those who have epilepsy, and the day also allows us all the chance to let our inner child-at-heart loose outside and scribble in a book like we did when we were younger. 

Doodling can help you in a variety of ways, as many theories and studies have shown that doodles can keep children from daydreaming and eventually aid in increasing memory and concentration. Many people believe that doodling helps them relax and, as a result, improves their mental health. The art of doodling also helps in the early development of toddlers and children who acquire the principles via doodles, although it is not rare to see an adult drawing a doodle. 

Epilepsy, a chronic noncommunicable brain disorder that affects 50 million individuals globally, affects approximately 3.4 million people in the United States. These figures are concerning since, according to a World Health Organization research, people with epilepsy have a threefold higher chance of dying prematurely than the general population and must deal with numerous issues. 

As a result, commemorating National Doodle Day is critical in raising awareness and support for persons suffering from epilepsy. 


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National Doodle Day 2022: Activities 

You can participate in the National Doodle Day celebration in a variety of ways, but we have included a few of them below. 

1. Draw a doodle and help people with epilepsy: Drawing a doodle requires no effort, therefore commemorating National Doodle Day by bringing out your child artist and also contributing your service in support of people with epilepsy is an excellent approach to honor the day.  

2. Raise Awareness about the Day: This is the simplest and most effective approach to observe National Doodle Day, as sharing and increasing awareness about the day on social media platforms with billions of people can eventually aid the National Event's success. 

3. Donate to participate: Your modest donation will benefit thousands of people all throughout the country, so contribute some money to a good cause.

National Doodle Day 2022: Facts 

Here are some fascinating facts for National Doodle Day.
  1. In order to demonstrate their absence from work while attending the Burning Man festival, the Google founders created the first Google Doodle in 1998 by drawing a stick person beneath the second "o" in Google.
  2. Numerous celebrities, including Celia Imrie, Michelle Dockery, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Jools Holland, and others, took part in the National Doodle Day in support of a good cause. 
  3. Doodling is a stress-relieving activity, so grab a pen and paper and start doodling. 
  4. Over 5000 doodles have been made by the Google, around the world.

National Doodle Day 2022: FAQ 

1. When is National Doodle Day observed?

The third of September is designated as National Doodle Day.

2. What is the significance of National Doodle Day?

We observe National Doodle Day to assist persons with epilepsy while doodling ourselves.

3. How should National Doodle Day be observed?

You can easily mark National Doole Day by spreading awareness about it and helping people suffering from epilepsy.
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